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Privacy & Policy

Family Planning NSW is committed to protecting your privacy and to handling your personal information in a responsible manner in accordance with Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant NSW privacy laws and regulations (referred to as privacy legislation).

For further information about how FPNSW handle personal information, see FPNSW Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure

The Pregnancy Choices Helpline provides generalised information on a confidential basis. Some personal details are requested for quality management purposes. Information provided by the Pregnancy Choices Helpline should not be considered specific medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or a second opinion. Individuals raising matters requiring personalised clinical advice will be referred on to clinical service providers

Cookie Policy

The Pregnancy Choices Helpline website may use cookies to collect anonymous, non-personal information to measure your activity on pregnancychoices.org.au. This information will only be used to improve our website functionality. The cookies do NOT collect information that identifies individuals. By using the Pregnancy Choices Helpline website, you consent to the collection of cookies.